Criminal Law Conference

Yes. We know. There’s never a dull moment in criminal law. Consider the most significant cases and biggest developments across sexual offences, regulatory prosecutions, evidence, international asset freezing, and youth justice over the past 12 months. Plus, gain practical insights for handling abusive and threatening clients and ethical dilemmas in and out of court. You'll find all the essential information and practical implications in these key areas plus more, and secure your core area CPD points. 243W17

Friday, 22 March 2024

Attend and earn 7 CPD units including:
4 units in Substantive Law
1 unit in Ethics & Professional Responsibility
1 unit in Practice Management & Business Skills
1 unit in Professional Skills

This program is based on WA legislation

Session 1: Hot Button Issues in the Criminal Law Landscape

Chair: Mark Trowell KC, Barrister at Albert Wolff Chambers

9.00am to 9.05am Opening Comments by the Chair
9.05am to 10.00am Evidence Roundup
  • Using expert in court and preparing for trial
  • Questions of admissibility of forensic evidence
  • When and under what circumstances DNA evidence can lead to a wrongful conclusion?
  • Expert witnesses
  • The ethical boundaries of witness preparation
  • Challenges with the jury

Presented by Helen Prince, Barrister, Equus Chambers

10.00am to 11.00am Trial Directions
  • Criminal client relationships: the importance of good instructions and boundaries
  • Strategic thinking in criminal trial advocacy
  • The chronology: the hub of trial preparation
  • The consumer’s view: what do judges want from you?
  • Common trial directions and how to ask for them

Presented by David Bodeker, Barrister, Equus Chambers

11.00am to 11.15am Morning Tea
12.15pm to 1.15pm Regulatory Prosecutions
  • Common issues, including averments and collateral challenges
  • Sentencing considerations and costs
  • Tips and considerations in practice

Presented by Sam Pack, Barrister, Francis Burt Chamber

11.15am to 12.15pm How to Prepare for Sex Offence Trials
  • Types of sex offences: general considerations to identify in each type of matter
  • Initial client meeting: building trust in the lawyer client relationship, working with accused persons, and if applicable, their loved ones
  • Evidence analysis
  • Preparation of witnesses (especially in cases where a lineal or de facto relative is the complainant)
  • Pre-recordings and examining children
  • Pre-trial issues such as s31A and other types of evidence to consider s98 hearings may be required
  • Accused election to give evidence: risks and pros
  • Jury directions
  • Section 9AA and other Sentencing considerations - the nuances of sentencing offenders (especially where matters personal to the offender are given less weight)

Presented by Lindsay Allan-McConchie, Barrister, Francis Burt Chambers

Session 2: Mandatories Made Easy for Criminal Lawyers

Chair: April Jarmoszewicz, Lawyer, Investigation & Enforcement Action, Australian Securities and Investments Commission

Professional Skills
3.00pm to 4.00pm International Asset Freezing
  • Exploring opportunities for criminal lawyers in international law
  • European Investigation Order (EIO)
  • European Arrest Warrant

Presented by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Janssen, LL.B.,Director, Janssen + Maluga Legal

4.00pm to 4.15pm Afternoon Tea
Practice Management & Business Skills
4.15pm to 5.15pm The Mind Matters: Psychology of Criminal Defence Work

From handling abusive and threatening clients to navigating ethical dilemmas and sustaining a successful practice, this session offers a deeper understanding of the psychology behind criminal defense work.

Presented by Jeremy Scudds, Barrister & Solicitor, Porter Scudds

Ethics & Professional Responsibility
2.00pm to 3.00pm Ethical & Professional Responsibility When Dealing with Youth Justice: Addressing Human Rights
  • Are human rights protected in Australian Juvenile Justice?
  • The need for awareness of HR limitations when dealing with juveniles in the criminal justice system

Presented by Dr Stephen Monterosso, Senior Lecturer, Curtin University


Ms. Helen Prince, Barrister, Equus Chambers
Helen Prince wasn’t always a barrister. She started life as a youth worker in the northern suburbs working with “at risk youth”. Primarily Indigenous young people. As a youth worker, Helen spent a lot of her time at the Childrens Court and Magistrates Court assisting clients and working with lawyers. Helen has more than 30 years’ experience in practice including 25 years’ experience at the bar practising primarily as a criminal defence barrister. She regularly represents accused in the Supreme Court, District Court and Magistrates Court. She has appeared in many complex and lengthy trials. She also appears before the Court of Appeal. She is a founding member of Equus Chambers. Helen’s interest in evidence, including expert evidence and DNA, has seen her teaching evidence and advocacy at Murdoch University.

Jeremy Scudds, Barrister & Solicitor, Porter Scudds
Jeremy Scudds is a senior barrister and solicitor and social worker, with extensive experience in the area of criminal law. He has also previously worked in the areas of personal injury law and commercial litigation. He worked in government and private practice prior to setting up practice as a sole practitioner. He now is the principal of a legal firm with a number of criminal lawyers. He has a excellent knowledge and understanding of needs of the firm's clients. Jeremy was admitted to practice as a Barrister and Solicitor in the Supreme Court of Western Australia and High Court of Australia in 1984. By way of connection with the community, Mr. Scudds has worked as a social worker and union official. In the past, he has been the "Night Line Lawyer" for Radio Station 6PR (2 years), the Honorary Solicitor for the W.A. Council of Social Services [WACOSS] (10 years) and Incest Survivors Association (2 years), University Lecturer, the Legal Practitioner on the Real Estate Agents Supervisory Board (3 years), a member of various Law Society Committees, and a Trustee with the Perth Theatre Trust (5 years). He is currently a member of The National Association of Criminal Defence Lawyers (USA) Forensic Society of Australia & New Zealand and WA Criminal Lawyers Association. Mr Scudds also has been involved in the administration of various sports in Australia.

Ms. Lindsay Allan-McConchie, Barrister, Francis Burt Chambers
Lindsay Allan-McConchie was elected to the Bar in 2020 and joined Chambers under the pupillage program. Under the mentorship of some of the State’s most accomplished senior barristers at Chambers, Lindsay specialises in criminal practice and personal injuries. Lindsay commenced her legal career under the supervision and guidance of two of Darwin’s most prominent Queens Counsellors, as well as a former Magistrate of the Northern Territory. Having assisted in one of the Territory’s most prominent murder trials, DPP v Deacon, and through its appeal, as well as other major jury trials in the Territory, Lindsay offers well established problem solving, research and analytical skills. Lindsay has since worked for Legal Aid in both the Northern Territory and Victoria offering duty lawyer services and restraining order advocacy. Lindsay spent the year prior to joining the bar in personal injuries litigation at a national firm where she specialised in public liability, workers’ compensation and victims of crime compensation. Known for her ability to be a persuasive and passionate advocate, Lindsay takes on all matters with a fierce commitment to legal ethics and a robust justice system. In Lindsay’s personal time, she is the lead singer of two bands and enjoys the sport of weightlifting

Sam Pack, Barrister, Francis Burt Chambers
Sam joined Francis Burt Chambers in 2022, where he practices in areas including criminal law and public law. Before joining the Bar, Sam was employed at the State Solicitor’s Office and appeared as counsel in regulatory prosecutions at both the trial and appellate level. Sam holds a Master of Law with First Class Honours from the University of Cambridge and a Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours from the University of Western Australia.

David Bodeker, Barrister, Equus Chambers
Before Law, David was a journalist, completing a cadetship and working at The West Australian for five years as reporter and columnist. As a courts reporter, he became captivated by the jab, parry and uppercut of criminal advocacy and decided to leave journalism and study law. David worked for 14 years at Legal Aid WA exclusively in criminal law. He developed a keen interest in the intersection of mental impairment and criminal culpability, worked in policy/management and senior lawyer positions, and lived and worked for LAWA in the Pilbara and Kimberley regions. He still thrives on regional work and heads north for work or play whenever he can. In 2009 David established his own practice, David Bodeker Barrister & Solicitor, to focus on his first love: persuasive criminal advocacy, as both prosecuting and defence counsel. He has also enjoyed his quickly growing body of violence restraining order work, and working within the complicated and fast-changing area of family violence laws. David loves his work. His move to the private bar in 2022 was a natural progression in refining his advocacy skills and bringing his passion for criminal advocacy to new clients and broader arenas.

Dr Stephen Monterosso, Senior Lecturer, Curtin University
Dr Stephen Monterosso is a Senior Lecturer and Academic Discipline Lead (Business Law) at Curtin Law School. Throughout his academic career, he has engaged with the law as an academic and researcher. In academia Stephen has lectured and coordinated the following subjects: Business Law, Contract Law, Trade Practices Law, Meetings Law, Marketing Law, International Law, Safety and Environmental Health Law, Law for Engineers amongst others. He also coordinated the University of London law degree for Western Australian students while Head of Law at the Australian Institute for University Studies prior to commencing at Curtin University. He is the author of academic journal articles, book chapters and conference presentations in the areas of criminal justice, juvenile justice, medical negligence, human rights, organised crime and organised crime groups, industrial and employment law, school violence in addition to other areas. In 2022, representing Curtin Law School, he began participating as an investigator in a major $1.5M two-year research grant 'Safer Communities-Early intervention 12–24-year old's that aims to develop evidence based strategies and pathways to build resilience and prevent at-risk youth from being enmeshed with the criminal justice system. Stephen's PhD from Curtin University was awarded in 2015. The thesis was entitled ‘The Use of a Rights-Based Approach to Address Juvenile Violence in Australian Schools. From Policy to Practice’. He also holds a Master of Criminal Justice from the University of Western Australia, a Bachelor of Commerce (Business Law) and a Post Graduate Diploma (Business Law) from Curtin University. He maintains teaching commitments in Safety and Environmental Health Law, Introduction to Business Law and Law for Engineers at the Curtin Law School.

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Janssen, LL.B.,Director, Janssen + Maluga Legal

Ms April Jarmoszewicz, Lawyer, Investigation & Enforcement Action, Australian Securities and Investments Commission
April is a lawyer at the Australian Securities and Investments Commission where she practices in financial crime against the Australian Securities Exchange. Prior to this she worked for the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions as a federal prosecutor focussing on human exploitation and border protection cases and prior to that she was a criminal defence lawyer for a national firm. April has solely practiced in crime since her admission to practice and admission to the High Court in 2020.


Criminal Law Conference


All Sessions
Friday, 22 March 2024
9.00am to 5.15pm Australia/Perth
CPD Points 7
Face to Face 20240726 20240322

Face to Face

Online 20240726 20240322


On Demand 20240726 20240322

On Demand

Morning Session
Friday, 22 March 2024
9.00am to 12.15pm Australia/Perth
CPD Points 4
Face to Face 20240726 20240322

Face to Face

Online 20240726 20240322


On Demand 20240726 20240322

On Demand

Afternoon Session
Friday, 22 March 2024
2.00pm to 5.15pm Australia/Perth
CPD Points 3
Face to Face 20240726 20240322

Face to Face

Online 20240726 20240322


On Demand 20240726 20240322

On Demand

Cliftons - Perth

Parmelia House, 191 St Georges Terrace, Perth


Nearby Public Transport:
Train Stations - Elizabeth Quay Train Station
Bus Interchange - St Georges Terrace, after Milligan St (1 min walk)

Parking Information

Parking not included in your registration.

Here is an option:
Wilson Parking - St Georges Square, 225 St Georges Terrace Perth  - click here for rates.