Agribusiness Law Seminar

This program aims to provide participants with comprehensive understanding of key facets in agribusiness law, providing you with practical strategies and case studies. Gain insights into the establishment of optimal legal structures for agribusinesses, tax implications for intergenerational family farms transfer, and the Carbon Credit Scheme domain. You will also examine developments in the FIRB application process, shedding light on crucial considerations for agribusiness transactions. WEB243Q25Z

Monday, 25 March 2024

Tim Ferrier, Consultant, Sparke Helmore, Recommended Agribusiness Lawyer – Queensland, Doyle’s Guide 2022

10.00am to 11.00am Tax Implications in the Transfer of Family Farms Across Generations
  • CGT and exemptions applicable to farm land transfers
  • Structuring transfers to navigate tax obligations on land transfers
  • Contrasting the tax and duty treatment of land transfers during one's lifetime versus after death
  • Assessing proposed state reforms regarding stamp duty and land tax and their implications for rural families
  • Exploring issues currently under scrutiny by the ATO
  • Illustrating practical case studies

Presented by Andrew Rider, Barrister, Level 22 Chambers; Leading Tax Barrister – New South Wales, Doyle’s Guide 2022


Attend and earn 4 CPD units in Substantive Law
This program is applicable to practitioners from all States & Territories 

9.00am to 10.00am Setting up the Best Legal Structure for Your Client’s Agribusiness
  • Exploring business and landholding structures for the farm
  • Legal and business considerations for determining the right structure
  • Assessing the impact of each structure on asset protection, future estate and succession planning, tax and other outcomes
  • Practical strategies and checklists for lawyers

Presented by Michael Cowley, Director, Fox and Thomas, Leading Agribusiness Lawyers – Queensland, Doyle’s Guide 2023

11.00am to 11.15am Break
11.15am to 12.15pm Navigating the Carbon Credit Scheme and What it Means for Agribusinesses
  • Understanding current government initiatives, financial and educational support, and the market for Australian Carbon Credit Units
  • Benefits, potential risks and the viability of using carbon credits as tradable commodities
  • What are the technological and methodological developments for enforcement and shaping the field?

Presented by Georgiena Ryan, Principal Lawyer, Regional Business Lawyers

12.15am to 1.15pm FIRB Updates and Developments for the Sector
  • Defining “agricultural land” for the purpose of FIRB application
  • When is FIRB approval necessary for a proposed agricultural land investment?
  • Examining various requirements for an agribusiness transaction (monetary thresholds, national interest test and open and transparent sale requirement)

Presented by Duncan Bedford, Partner, McCullough Robertson; Leading Tax Lawyer – Queensland, Doyle’s Guide 2023 and Joshua Derko, Lawyer, McCullough Robertson


Georgiena Ryan, Principal Lawyer, Regional Business Lawyers
Principal Georgiena Ryan has experience acting as solicitor to family and farming businesses, initially in her home state of Queensland where she grew up and later in the New South Wales Riverina and Central West NSW. Georgiena has unique commercial and corporate experience having held in-house legal roles with a specialist international rural and agribusiness bank, and with a leading global agricultural asset manager, responsible for a significant irrigation and dryland farming portfolio across Australia. Georgiena is the only female Accredited Specialist in Business Law located in rural NSW and has a Masters in Commercial Law from the University of Melbourne. Georgiena has special expertise in water law and irrigation and has been involved in some of the largest agribusiness transactions in Australia. Georgiena lives in the south west slopes of NSW on her husband’s family farm. She is supported by the following team members who all live regionally in NSW.

Andrew Rider, Barrister, Level 22 Chambers
Andrew Rider is a leading Australian tax barrister specialising in land tax, payroll tax and stamp duty litigation and dispute resolution. Andrew also advises on Australia-wide stamp duties, land tax and payroll tax. Prior to coming to the Bar, Andrew was a solicitor and Associate to Justice Michael Kirby. Andrew lectures in taxation law at the University of Sydney Law School and previously lectured at the University of Technology, Sydney. Andrew edits the leading stamp duty publication “Australian Stamp Duties Law” and authors the national stamp duty section of the leading online service “Practical Guidance – Property Law”. Andrew is a Chartered Tax Adviser and examiner with The Tax Institute and member of The Tax Institute/Office of State Revenue Liaison Committee and Dispute Resolution Technical Committee. Andrew is also a member of the NCAT Revenue List Consultative Forum. Andrew is recognised in Doyle’s Guide as a leading Australian tax barrister.

Duncan Bedford, Partner, McCullough Robertson
Duncan is an expert in business and transaction structuring, taxation and foreign investment with a solid foundation in general commercial law which ensures his advice and solutions deliver value to clients. He designs and implements effective structures for transactions and asset ownership, always seeking to secure his clients cost-effective tax and stamp duty outcomes. This includes advising on stamp duty exemptions, assessments, private rulings and objections. Additionally he advises on corporate reconstructions, demergers, holding company interpositions and rollovers and general commercial matters. Duncan is also recognised for his expertise in managing matters before the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB). He focuses on identifying and managing restrictions on foreign investment and advising on appropriate structures and processes for foreign companies, governments and individuals proposing to invest in Australia. Duncan has provided advice to clients across a range of industries and leads our Food and Agribusiness team.

Michael Cowley, Director, Fox and Thomas
With 25 years in rural legal practice advising clients in Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales, Michael is one of the region’s most experienced and respected local lawyers. Michael’s legal experience covers a wide range of issues with his particular expertise being in the areas of succession and estate planning, business structuring, complex rural transactions and water law. Having grown up on a sheep and cattle property at Bollon and spending his entire professional career advising rural and regional business and individuals, Michael understands and appreciates the legal issues which arise amongst his client base. Michael is recognised in Doyle's Guide as a leading Agribusiness lawyer in Queensland.


Agribusiness Law Seminar


Single Session
Monday, 25 March 2024
9.00am to 1.15pm Australia/Brisbane
CPD Points 4
Online 20240726 20240325


On Demand 20240726 20240325

On Demand
