SMSFs: A Practical Workshop

Join us at this practical workshop where you will use case studies to explore the complex issues you may face with SMSFs together with 3 tax and SMSF experts. Delve into the complexities of additional tax on balances over $3 million, how to calculate, options for payment and managing the changes. Discover the intricacies of death benefit payments in SMSFs that can have a huge impact on their practical application. Review SMSF trustees' duties, obligations, and minimising non-compliance risks. WEB243N41Z

Thursday, 21 March 2024
3.00pm to 4.00pm Duties and Obligations of SMSF Trustees
  • What are the statutory and common law duties of SMSF trustees?
  • What are the obligations of directors of SMSF trustees?
  • What are the implications of breaching those duties?
  • How can trustees reduce the risk of non-compliance?
  • Can a beneficiary challenge the exercise of trustee’s discretionary powers?

Presented by Dr Bill Orow, Barrister, Greens List


Attend and earn 3 CPD units including:
2 units in Professional Skills
1 unit in Substantive Law

This program is applicable to practitioners from all States & Territories


Tracey Norris, Director, Pitcher Partners; Accredited SMSF Specialist; Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and New Zealand

Professional Skills
2.00pm to 3.00pm The Three Million Dollar Story: Additional Tax on Balances Over $3 Million

The government remains resolute on reducing the tax concessions available to large superannuation balances. Whilst many may argue that $3 million is not large, the vast majority of large account balance holders and their advisers don’t seem concerned about receiving lower tax concessions on their earnings. However, overwhelmingly members and industry object to the calculation intended to be used, and the degree of complexity of the announced measures.

In this session you will use a series of case studies to review:

  • An overview of the announced measure
  • How to calculate the additional tax
  • The administration and options for paying the tax
  • Strategies for managing the changes

Presented by Julie Steed, Senior Technical Services Manager, Australian Executor Trustees; SMSF Specialist; Senior Fellow of Finsia; Fellow of ASFA; accredited SMSF Specialist Advisor

Professional Skills
4.15pm to 5.15pm SMSFs and Death: Dreams and Disappointments

The SMSF is a cornerstone of many client’s estate plans and considerable planning goes into the payment of death benefits. Yet despite an understanding of the importance, there are regularly issues with the practical application of death benefit payments in SMSFs.

Using a series of case studies, you will examine:

  • Differences between superannuation rules and trust deed rules
  • Nomination best options
  • Nomination failures and challenges
  • Death bed payments

Presented by Julie Steed, Senior Technical Services Manager, Australian Executor Trustees; SMSF Specialist; Senior Fellow of Finsia; Fellow of ASFA; accredited SMSF Specialist Advisor

4.00pm to 4.15pm Afternoon Tea Break


Dr Bill Orow, Barrister, Greens List
Bill Orow is an expert in the fields of taxation law, superannuation and trusts holding a Ph.D as well as an LL.M and has had many works on taxation published, including authoring Comparative Anti-Avoidance Rules, Jordans, and co-authoring Income Tax and GST Planning Strategies Manual, Thomson Reuters. He practices in Federal and State taxation and has been briefed in matters involving income taxation, GST, superannuation, stamp duty, land tax, general infrastructure contribution tax and payroll tax. In addition, Bill has been briefed in general commercial law matters involving freezing orders, contempt of court, breach of trust, directors duties, insolvency, trade practices and common-law disputes (such as professional negligence and misrepresentation) and administrative law matters where prerogative writs were sought.

Ms. Tracey Norris, Director, Pitcher Partners
Tracey Norris commenced in public practice over 20 years ago and initially advised small and medium enterprises on taxation and superannuation affairs. This variety of experience allows her to understand the bigger picture when advising clients on superannuation issues and providing commercial outcomes. Having worked with various industries supplying general taxation advice and now specialising in superannuation allows her to provide good strategic outcomes to compliment other advisors. Tracey's demonstrated knowledge and experience in the application of superannuation and taxation laws includes; SMSF compliance and audits; advising on restructure of assets to and from superannuation funds, whether the result of life events or business sales and acquisitions; assisting clients with effective retirement planning strategies; maximising investment opportunities using superannuation structures; writing expert reports for legal counsel in court hearings; and sitting on the compliance committee of a retail fund. Tracey is also a licenced adviser on the Pitcher Partners Australian Financial Service Licence and was a finalist for SMSF Adviser of the year at the Women in Finance Awards in 2022. Professional qualifications and memberships: Bachelor of Commerce (JCU); Advanced Diploma of Financial Services (Superannuation); Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ); CA SMSF Specialist.

Ms. Julie Steed, Senior Technical Services Manager, Australian Executor Trustees
Julie Steed has more than 30 years of experience in the superannuation industry as a technical specialist, consultant and client services manager. Julie is responsible for the provision of superannuation technical information, specialising in small funds. Julie is passionate about helping people with the technical aspects of super, keeping it simple and in helping practitioners provide quality services to their clients. Julie is a Senior Fellow of Finsia, a Fellow of ASFA and an accredited SMSF Specialist Advisor with the SMSF Association.


SMSFs: A Practical Workshop


Single Session
Thursday, 21 March 2024
2.00pm to 5.15pm Australia/Sydney
CPD Points 3
Online 20240726 20240321


On Demand 20240726 20240321

On Demand
