Employment Law Update

Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Attend and earn 1 CPD unit in Substantive Law

Shaun Berg, Barrister, Nigel Bowen Chambers

Employment Law Update


The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Act 2022, together with The Closing Loopholes Act 2023 and Closing Loopholes No. 2 Act 2024, introduced a suite of significant workplace reforms. In this session, Ben will provide you with a comprehensive overview of these critical updates and what’s next, including –

  • Underpayments and wage theft
  • Independent contractors
  • Enterprise agreements and enterprise bargaining
  • New definition of “casual employee”, “employee” and “employer”
  • Right to disconnect

Presented by Ben Duggan, Director, DW Fox Tucker Lawyers


Ben Duggan, Director, DW Fox Tucker Lawyers
Ben Duggan has been a Director at DW Fox Tucker lawyers, and its predecessor firms, since 2005. He has over 15 years' experience as a lawyer. He is a trusted advisor to companies across various industries including the education sector. His expertise is in the areas of risk management, work health and safety, employment and workplace relations. Ben regularly appears as counsel in Federal and State Tribunals and Courts. Since 2010 he has been recognised by his peers as being among Australia's Best Lawyers, in the field of labour and employment, as published by the Financial Review.

Shaun Berg, Barrister, Nigel Bowen Chambers
Shaun practises in all areas of intellectual property matters including in the field of biotechnology, pharmaceutical and software development. He also has a strong understanding of issues arising in research funding, research ethics, research integrity, conflicts of interest, privacy, and freedom of information. Admitted to the bar in 2024, Shaun holds a Master of Science, Bachelor of Laws (Hons.) and Bachelor of Commerce. He is currently undertaking a Doctorate in Law at University of Technology, Sydney. Shaun has significant experience in intellectual property transactions and dispute resolution. He was the principal negotiator for FDA approved drugs into the US market, specifically for Hunter Disease (non-CNS) and Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome. Shaun has appeared as junior counsel in the High Court, as counsel in the Supreme Court and all higher jurisdictions. Shaun also has a deep interest and understanding in Cultural Knowledge matters. Shaun was also principal negotiator for the Ngarrindjeri Nation for treaty negotiations in South Australia. In over 25 years of legal practice Shaun has been involved in a myriad of commercial disputes. These include relating to property issues, contract disputes, and business conduct. Shaun was the editor of the book titled: Coming to Terms. He has authored numerous papers and other publications and is a recent recipient of the Eric Anderson Award for best article relating to Environmental Management.


Employment Law Update


Single Session
CPD Points 1
On Demand 20250218 20250326

Post Seminar Recording
