Are you struggling with the technical aspects of forensic evidence in your matters? Ready for solutions? This program will provide you with the edge you need on all things forensic evidence. From finding the evidence to understanding digital forensics, making sense of the DNA reports in sexual offence matters, and interpreting forensic toxicology results. You’ll wrap up the day by mastering your interviewing skills. Learn how to craft your questions, manage sensitive topics, and navigate challenging dynamics in forensic evidence matters. Don’t miss this chance to elevate your skills!
Attend and earn 4 CPD units including:
1 unit in Substantive Law
3 units in Professional Skills
This program is applicable to practitioners from all States & Territories
Michael Gleeson, Crown Prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
- The role of the forensic technology expert witness
- Opportunities for locating electronic data evidence to support cases
- Case studies involving the use of forensic technology, focusing on mobile devices and cloud technology
- Gain insights into the forensic examination and reporting process, highlighting key considerations for presenting findings in court
- Look at ways to find electronic data that can help support cases, while also discussing the difficulties created by current security measures
Presented by Paul Taylor, Partner, Forensic Discovery and Data Management, Deloitte Financial Advisory
- Illicit drug manufacture trends, domestic, international
- Drug trafficking, criminal networks and Australia as an end user illicit drug market
- Common methods of forensic drug analysis, advantages, limitations and reliability
- Understanding data quality objectives, quality assurance and uncertainty in forensic drug analysis
- Tips on effectively communicating complex scientific findings to judges and juries
Presented by Paul Newell, Director/Forensic Chemist - Chemical Operations
- Sexual assault investigation workflow
- DNA workflow: 5 step process
- Interpretation of known 2-person profile
- Two Very important concepts
- Reporting the statistics
- Situations where we do have or
- Have to assume additional information
- Limitations
- Cases
Presented by Anna Davey, Director, Forensic Foundations International
- Searches & warrants: lawfulness, applications to exclude evidence
- DNA evidence
- Hearsay evidence: DVECs and recordings from body worn footage
- Acting in drug and poisons offences
- Expert evidence
- Admissibility of evidence
- Influence on jury decisions
- Challenges & limitations
Presented by Georgia Lewer, Barrister, Forbes Chambers and Heather Webb, Barrister, Forbes Chambers
Effective questioning techniques and methods for eliciting valuable information while considering the psychosocial impact on everyone involved.
- Learn how to craft your questions, manage sensitive topics, and navigate challenging dynamics in forensic evidence matters
- Enhance your interviewing prowess and improve your outcomes
Presented by Sarah McAlister, Senior Manager, PKF Integrity
Michael Gleeson, Barrister, Black Chambers
From March 2020 to March 2025 Michael had been employed by the Office Director of Public Prosecutions, (ODPP), as a Crown Prosecutor and regularly appeared in the NSW District Court, Supreme Court, and Court of Criminal Appeal during his 5-years with the ODPP. Called to the Bars of both England and Wales and New South Wales and having acquired a wealth of experience as a barrister in both jurisdictions, Michael’s principal areas of practice included criminal law, sports law, regulatory and compliance, as well as inquests and commissions of inquiry. He possesses widespread experience across a broad range of jurisdictions including the District Court of New South Wales, Industrial Relations Commission, Supreme Court of New South Wales, New South Wales Court of Appeal, New South Wales Crime Commission, Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and ACCC. Following ten successful years in continuous practise as a barrister in well-regarded chambers in the United Kingdon, Michael transferred his highly developed advocacy and advisory skills to Australia. Initially maintaining a mixed practice in common law, Michael later moved into specialising in complex and often high-profile criminal matters. Prior to his appointment as a Crown Prosecutor in 2020, he had developed a well-balanced practice prosecuting for the State and Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, as well as engaging in private and legally aided defence work. Michael’s extensive criminal practice covers the full spectrum of indictable criminal offences, including murder, armed robbery, sexual offences (encompassing historic child sexual abuse matters), fraud and large-scale public disorder. He has been regularly instructed to appear in multi-defendant cases for the prosecution and defence as a junior counsel or led by King’s Counsel/Senior Counsel. In addition to gaining substantial experience as a jury trial advocate, Michael has also appeared before the New South Wales Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) in conviction and sentence appeals. He is also a member of the Serious Indictable Crime Panel and Complex Criminal Law Panel of Legal Aid NSW. Michael has a passion for sport, with such interest extending to his professional work as Counsel. An avid triathlete and runner, he was also appointed the legal director of Triathlon NSW for 8 years. Rumour has it Michael will be running the 2025 Sydney Marathon for charity.
Paul Taylor, Partner, Forensic Discovery and Data Management, Deloitte Financial Advisory
Paul Taylor is the National Lead Partner for Digital Forensic and has worked in the forensic technology field around the globe for over twenty years. He has consulted for clients around the globe as to how digital forensics and eDiscovery can be used to assist in regulatory inquiries, litigation and internal investigations. Paul advises on how potentially relevant data can be identified, preserved, collected and examined in support of matters. Paul has testified in multiple jurisdictions as an expert witness in digital forensic and has been appointed as an independent expert.
Paul Newell, Director/Forensic Chemist - Chemical Operations
Paul is an Australian and internationally recognised expert in illicit drug manufacture and drug contamination and is a subject matter expert for the 'United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime' (UNODC). Paul is a co-author of the UNODC guidelines for the Safe Handling and Disposal of Chemicals from Illicit Drug Manufacture, and the principal author of the UNODC Illustrated Disposal Guide for the management and disposal of illicit drug related chemicals in remote environments. Paul is also the principal author of the Australian national guidelines for the 'Remediation of Clandestine Drug Laboratory Sites' and is a contributing author to the Western Australian Clandestine Drug Laboratory Management Guidelines as well as a number of specialist operational safety and technical procedures for illicit drug related environments ranging from meth labs to hydroponic cannabis grow operations. Paul holds degrees in chemistry and environmental science as well as formal qualifications in forensic investigation and intelligence and is a Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. Paul has more than 20 years' experience working in the field of illicit drugs, clandestine drug manufacture, illicit drug intelligence, law enforcement, chemical and precursor diversion and Government regulation. Paul brings his unique experience in and the field of illicit drugs, combined with a passion for training and teaching, and provides an engaging insight into the chemistry, forensic science, toxicology and human health consequences of illicit drug manufacture.
Sarah McAlister, Senior Manager, PKF Integrity
Sarah has 27 years of expertise in law enforcement and investigations, with a decade dedicated to specialising in the field of integrity and corruption. She is a skilled investigator and highly trained interviewer. Sarah developed and delivered the ICAC Conduct Investigation Training Workshops for seven years, training external stakeholders and partner agencies in best practice investigation skills.
Heather Webb, Barrister, Forbes Chambers
Heather was admitted to practice as a lawyer in 2014 and admitted as a barrister in 2023. Her principal area of practice is criminal law. Before commencing practice as a lawyer, Heather worked as Tipstaff to Hon. Justice Stephen Rothman, Associate to Judge Leonie Flannery SC. She then started work as a solicitor at the Aboriginal Legal Service in Dubbo and then Parramatta. In 2019, she was appointed to a trial advocate position at the ALS, which continued in until 2023.
Georgia Lewer, Barrister, Forbes Chambers
Georgia was admitted as a legal practitioner in NSW in 2009 and was called to the Bar in NSW in 2014. Her principal areas of practice are Criminal law, appellate criminal law, commissions of inquiry and inquests and administrative and public law. Prior to being called to the Bar, Georgia was the tipstaff to the Hon. Justice David Kirby (2008), a solicitor and barrister at the North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (2009-2011), a solicitor at the Children’s Legal Service (Legal Aid NSW) and the Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) (2011-2012) and a Senior Solicitor in Inquiries, Crown Solicitor’s Office (2012-2014). She has also worked as a lecturer at UNSW in Court Process, Evidence and Proof.
Anna Davey, Director, Forensic Foundations International
Anna Davey B.Sc. (Hons) (Melb), M.Sc. (Melb), Grad Dip Legal Studies (UNE), Grad Cert Pub Sec Mgmt (Flinders), Cert IV CBT (Barton). In 1988, Anna was employed by the then State Forensic Science Laboratory as part of a small team formed to introduce DNA profiling to Victoria for criminal casework. By 1994, she was Team Leader and had developed an interest in education and training in forensic science. In 1997, Anna moved from casework to lead the ‘Quality Management, Education and Information Services’ team. From 2000 – 2004, Anna held the position of Executive Officer of the National Institute of Forensic Science and in 2004, was appointed Deputy Director. In 2008, Anna Davey founded Forensic Foundations International, a specialised service providing flexible fit-for-propose forensic program for expert and legal practitioners. These services involve training, consultancy, case review and auditing. Anna operates in all areas of the forensic sciences, focusing on quality management, the interface between science and the legal system, and forensic science based R&D. She brings an unequalled depth of knowledge and experience to these subjects. Anna is the immediate past Vice President (Australia) of the Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society (ANZFSS) and is Secretary of Victorian Chapter of the Australian Academy of Forensic Science.
This seminar is part of a series
NSW Criminal Law Bundle
Get 12 CPD Points for the Price of 10!
Unlock three bestselling criminal law programs, delivered live online for your convenience. Learn essential strategies for safeguarding sensitive information, responding effectively to cyber incidents, and protect you and your firm from becoming the next headline with the Data Breach and Cyber Attacks: Proactive Prevention & Effective Responses recording. Then join us at the Criminal Law Conference 2025, where you will gain practical insights from the Judiciary on navigating the Drug Court, coercive control offences, and the new Bail Act amendments. Lastly, sharpen your edge on all things forensic evidence with the Navigating Forensic Evidence in Criminal Law Matters webinar.
Attend and earn 12 CPD units including:
5 units in Substantive Law
1 unit in Ethics & Professional Responsibility
1 unit in Practice Management & Business Skills
5 units in Professional Skills
This program is based on NSW legislation
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