Keep up to date on recent significant case law and legislative reform and the impact of these on adverse action, workplace discrimination and bullying claims. Be guided through the best processes to avoid bullying claims and then to use the procedures in the Fair Work Commission to solve problems.
Attend and earn 3 CPD units in Substantive Law
This program is applicable to practitioners from all States & Territories
11.00am to 11.15am Break
Kate Boomer, Barrister, George Street Chambers
9.00am to 10.00am Adverse Action Update Including the New Workplace Rights
- What is adverse action?
- What are workplace rights and the right to disconnect?
- The ‘because’ test
- The reverse onus of proof
- The role of the Fair Work Commission
- Recent cases
Presented by Sarah Ralph, Oceania Law Leader, Ernst & Young
11.15am to 12.15pm Discrimination & General Protections
- Discrimination and general protections claims under Part 3-1 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)
- Recent developments
- Evidentiary hurdles
- Damages and penalties
Presented by Penny Thew, Barrister, State Chambers
10.00am to 11.00am Bullying Allegations & How to Avoid Them
- Procedures at the Fair Work Commission and how to use them to solve problems
- Assessment of claims to determine what is in fact bullying, and what is in fact discontent unjustly described as such
- Handling supervision so that it complies with the definition of “reasonable management action”
- Assessing risk of complaint or dispute from employees who object to being named in bullying complaints: avoiding “the reaction of the target eclipsing the complaint of the complainant”
- Structures in an organisation to make bullying complaints the last, not the first step for employees speaking up
Presented by Chris McArdle, Principal, McArdle Legal
Penny Thew, Barrister, State Chambers
With over 24 years’ experience in advocacy, advising and dispute resolution, Penny is recognised by Legal 500 and Doyle’s Guide as leading in her areas of expertise, including all aspects of employment and discrimination law, contractual disputes and restraints of trade. Penny appears in all courts and most tribunals and is in addition appointed as a sessional Appeal Panel Member of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia and as a sessional Tribunal Member of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Further details about Penny’s experience can be viewed here:
Kate Boomer, Barrister, George Street Chambers
Kate practices in the areas of commercial disputes and public law. She regularly appears led and unled in State and Federal Courts. Kate was called to the bar in 2022 after working as a commercial litigator for 13 years at top tier and international firms. Kate has particular expertise in the law of insurance contracts, directors’ and officers’ liability and professional negligence claims in the financial services, legal and construction industries. She also has experience in liability and regulatory issues associated with cyber incidents and data security breaches. Kate has appeared on behalf of State and Federal Governments in public law matters. She has acted in, or provided advice in respect of, civil claims against government agencies. Kate’s experience also includes industrial law, discrimination claims and debt recovery. Kate is a proud LawRight member. She sits on the Queensland Bar Association’s Indigenous Affairs Committee, General Litigation Committee and New Bar Committee. In 2008, Kate was associate to Justice Martin AM in the Supreme Court of Queensland.
Sarah Ralph, Oceania Law Leader, Ernst & Young
Sarah is a trusted adviser to her clients well known for her pragmatic and strategic advice. She advises in all areas of employment law including public sector employment, investigations, compliance and underpayments, discrimination and sexual harassment, executive employment and termination of employment. Sarah has a significant background in industrial relations including strategic planning, enterprise agreements and industrial disputes. Sarah also has an impressive record in employment litigation, successfully defending claims against employers in discrimination, general protection and unfair dismissal claims. Sarah has a Bachelor of laws and Master of Laws. She has previously worked in the manufacturing and government sectors and she brings her unique experience to the employment law advice she provides clients. Prior to joining EY she worked in a leading global law firm.
Chris McArdle, Principal, McArdle Legal
Chris McArdle is one of approximately forty lawyers in New South Wales accredited by the Law Society of New South Wales as a specialist in Employment and Industrial Law. Chris has been in legal practice since 1988 and prior to that, served as a Commissioner of the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales. Chris acts for corporate and individual clients with a philosophy of preventing problems and increasing corporate efficiency. Chris has achieved a number of breakthroughs in the anti-discrimination, employment contracts and Registration of Agreements Jurisdictions. Chris is a regular presenter of seminar papers and has published several articles in both mainstream press and specialist journals.