Criminal Trial Strategy Workshop: Committals in Focus

What am I trying to achieve out of a committal? How to best Identify the issues in dispute? Running a committal effectively is incredibly powerful. Join this one-hour workshop over lunch to gain insights into a strategic approach that can reshape your practice. Don't miss the opportunity to boost your criminal law strategy. Emma Higgins, with her wealth of experience, will provide practical tools and knowledge to maximise the benefits of preparing and running committals effectively. 

Friday, 21 June 2024

Attend and earn 1 CPD unit in Professional Skills
This program is applicable to practitioners from all States & Territories 

Professional Skills
1.00pm to 2.00pm Criminal Law Advocacy Workshop Workshop: Committals in Focus
  • Start at the end: analyse the brief and scope out your section 110b notice
  • 83a Directions Hearings and other magistrates court applications
  • Committal hearings and the no case test

Presented by: Emma Higgins, Legal Director, Robertson O’Gorman Solicitors and Matt Jackson, Barrister, 8 Petrie Terrace


Emily O’Hagan, Partner, Wallace O’Hagan Lawyers; Recommended Leading Criminal Defence Lawyer, Doyle’s Guide, 2023


Emma Higgins, Legal Director, Robertson O’Gorman Solicitors
Emma Higgins is a legal director at Robertson O’Gorman Solicitors having joined the firm in 2011. A Queensland Law Society accredited specialist in criminal law, Emma appears in a variety of criminal matters before the Magistrates Court and superior courts. Emma has extensive trial and appellate experience in a range of criminal proceedings. She has appeared as solicitor advocate in superior courts and has a keen interest in the relationship between mental health and criminal proceedings. Emma achieved a Bachelor of Laws with Honours, a Bachelor of Business majoring in Economics from the Queensland University of Technology. In addition to criminal law, Emma has developed a practice in disciplinary law and is a member of the Queensland Law Society Disciplinary Law Committee.

Matt Jackson, Barrister, 8 Petrie Terrace
Matt was called to the Bar in 2018. He has established a trial and appellate practice. His trial practice is broad. He practises primarily in criminal law, and is regularly briefed to appear in pre-trial applications, sentences and jury trials in the District and Supreme Court, predominantly for defence. But his practice also extends to quasi-criminal proceedings: Allwood v Attorney-General (2021) 7 QR 346 (DPSOA; unled). Matt also appears unled in criminal and regulatory proceedings in the Magistrates Court for both the defence and prosecution: Malaguti v Orchard [2020] QDC 242 (Matt appeared at first instance on behalf of the National Regulator and was led on appeal by Crowley QC). His trial practice also extends to appearing in professional disciplinary matters and coronial inquests. He has recently appeared led and unled in matters involving human rights and discrimination complaints: SQH v Scott [2022] QSC 16 [to be reported] (human rights; led by Holt KC) and Athwal v State of Queensland [2022] QSC 209 [to be reported] (led by Holt KC; appeal has been lodged). Matt’s appellate practice includes appearing unled in appeals from the Magistrates Court to the District Court, for both the prosecution and defence. He has been led in a number of applications for special leave and appeals in the High Court: R v Baxter [2019] HCA 234 (special leave refused at an oral hearing: appearing for the respondent; led by Crowley QC); R v HBZ [2020] HCA Trans 187 (special leave refused at an oral hearing: appearing for the applicant; led by Holt KC); Davidson v The Queen [2021] HCA Trans 1 (special leave refused after a Full Court referral; led by McCarthy); GBF v The Queen [2020] 94 ALJR 1037 (appeal allowed; led by Holt KC). Matt now appears unled in the Court of Appeal: R v Spreadborough [2020] QCA 291 (notable unreported decision); R v Taufao [2022] QCA 30; R v Turner [2022] QCA 175 (notable unreported decision); R v Woosup [2022] QCA 270 (conviction appeal allowed). Matt is regularly briefed to advise on strategic decisions pre-committal, and for advice on appellate prospects.

Emily O’Hagan, Partner, Wallace O’Hagan Lawyers
Emily O'Hagan graduated with Honours in a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Psychology, from Griffith University, completing elective study in Criminal Law and Forensic Mental Health at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Following her admission Emily commenced working at Russo Lawyers and specialised in the practice of criminal defence. Emily was recognised as a Senior Associate at Russo Lawyers in 2014 and became a founding partner of Wallace O'Hagan Lawyers in 2015. Emily appears in all criminal law jurisdictions. Emily has extensive trial experience in the full range of traffic and criminal offence, and has represented clients at every level of the criminal justice system, from pleas of guilty before the Magistrates Court to Supreme Court Appeals.


Criminal Trial Strategy Workshop: Committals in Focus


Single Session
Friday, 21 June 2024
1.00pm to 2.00pm Australia/Sydney
CPD Points 1
Online 20240907 20240621


On Demand 20240907 20240621

On Demand
