Generative AI and eDiscovery Workshop

Examine the future of legal practice with generative AI that change the way you practice. Join our panel of Generative AI and eDiscovery experts on how to use generative AI to accelerate the discovery process and investigations in general. Explore the issues of the importance of using Trustworthy AI and the ethical issues that surround current and future use of AI.  You can’t afford to miss this workshop with the experts that Lawyers need to hear from. 

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Attend and earn 2 CPD units including: 
1 unit in Professional Skills 
1 unit in Practice Management 

This program is applicable to practitioners from all States & Territories

Professional Skills
10.00am to 11.00am Trustworthy AI

As organisations embark on AI journeys there are many aspects that need to be considered to do so safely and responsibly. Discover the principles behind ethical AI, as well as the socio-technical aspects of trust, including data privacy, security, transparency, accountability, and governance mechanisms.

  • Examples of AI gone wrong
  • Review of risk areas (i.e. privacy, IP/copyright, bias, hallucination etc)
  • TrustworthyAI framework: areas to address risk
  • Overview of steps towards Trustworthy AI
    • organisation level governance
    • model dev lifecycle
  • High level thoughts on guiding principles and where to start

Presented by Amy Dove, Partner, Forensic, Deloitte

Practice Management
9.00am to 100am Accelerating Discovery and Document Analysis with Generative AI


  • Practical session with an overview of the development of the technology
  • See how Generative AI accelerates, but does not replace, your document review and analysis processes
  • Gain knowledge of the steps lawyers can take to use and benefit from this technology, today
  • Discover and use technology to help identify relevant material, enrich document metadata for searching, and analyse evidence to develop and draft case narratives

Presented by Ben Kennedy, Managing Director, Adio


Amy Dove,Partner, Forensic, Deloitte
Amy Dove is a forensic partner at Deloitte with over 25 years of experience in legal technology and analytics. She leads Deloitte’s Discovery and Data Management practice in Aotearoa New Zealand and Deloitte’s dedicated Pasifika Services Group – Pås Peau. She is from South Auckland and of Samoan and English heritage. She returned to Aotearoa in 2021 after many years in the United States. She leads teams supporting some of New Zealand’s largest organisations to manage data and respond to litigation and regulatory disclosure requests. She advises clients and is a frequent speaker on safe, ethical, responsible and trustworthy Artificial Intelligence use and implementation.

Ben Kennedy, Managing Director, Adio (AUS)
Ben has been at the forefront of eDiscovery and computer forensic services since 2004, working with law firms, government agencies, and corporations. His extensive technical expertise and discovery experience enable him to craft thoughtful, tailored solutions from data collection to trial preparation. Ben has played a pivotal role in thousands of eDiscovery projects across Australia, the US, and the UK. He has led numerous discovery projects that involve advanced technologies such as active learning and, more recently, generative artificial intelligence. With over 500 hours of formal training in forensic and eDiscovery practices, Ben possesses a deep understanding of the current eDiscovery software landscape and has provided expert testimony in the Supreme Court of Victoria.


Generative AI and eDiscovery Workshop


Single Session
Tuesday, 24 September 2024
9.00am to 11.00am Australia/Sydney
CPD Points 2
Online 20240907 20240924


On Demand 20240907 20240924

Post Seminar Recording
