Access to Government Information: Current Issues in FOI

Friday, 8 March 2024
Access to Government Information: Current Issues in FOI


  • Making an application under FOI, Archives Act or GIPA;
  • Grounds for objection;
  • Practice and procedure;
  • A cloak for impropriety?
  • Alternative mechanisms for scrutiny.

Presented by Ian Latham, Barrister, Denman Chambers


Attend and earn 1 CPD hour in Substantive Law
This program is based on NSW legislation

* This interactive online recording includes questions and quizzes requiring critical thinking about the topics, so you have no annual limits to the number of points/hours you can claim with this format of learning. Please verify with your CPD rules


Richard Chew, Partner, K&L Gates


Richard Chew, Partner, K&L Gates
Richard is an experienced intellectual property and technology lawyer who focuses on commercial transactions and technology, telecommunications and outsourcing matters in Australia and the Asia Pacific region. He assists his clients with commercial transactions, technology and IP commercialisation, outsourcing, IT and commercial telecommunications arrangements, strategic procurement and sourcing, vendor management and negotiated company and business mergers and acquisitions across a range of industries. Richard also works with clients on commercial transactions in the Asia Pacific region, including China, Thailand and India. Richard assisted clients with some of the largest business critical technology and outsourcing transactions in Australia and South East Asia. Working with a diverse range of clients, from small and medium enterprises to the largest ASX-listed companies, his clients operate in the food, liquor, retail, telecommunications and technology services industries. Richard has a Bachelor of Science (Computer Science), a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, all from the Australian National University.

Ian Latham, Barrister, Denman Chambers
Ian Latham is a barrister at Denman Chambers specialising in employment and industrial law, particularly in the area of civil penalty. He has appeared in many civil penalty cases particularly ABCC v Parker (No 1) and (No 2), BKH Contractors Case (No 1) and (No 2) and FWO v ZNZ, FWO v A-Z and FWO v Robit Nominees. He writes for the Lexis Fair Work Act Service and the Lexis Industrial Relations Act (NSW) Service.


Access to Government Information: Current Issues in FOI


Single Session
CPD Points 1
On Demand 20241015 20240308

On Demand
