Ethics, Professional Skills & Practice Management for All Lawyers- Interactive Recording

This is it! Your last chance to square away your CPD points before the March 31st deadline! Don't fret if you've left it to the last minute – we've got you covered. Join us for a jam-packed day to fulfill your CPD requirements. With dedicated sessions across 10 key areas of law, including ethics, professional skills and practice management to ensure you achieve real learning outcomes. Earn all your CPD units in just one day. Secure your spot now before it’s too late!

Thursday, 28 March 2024
Ethics and Professional Responsibility
3.30pm to 4.30pm Latest Disciplinary Issues: Lawyers Acting in Conflict of Interest

The Solicitor’s and Barrister’s respective Conduct Rules are concise and plainly written. They are a ready source of guidance when issues arise concerning conflicts of interest and other ethical dilemmas with which lawyers can be presented in everyday practice. (And in relation to interactions with clients.)

  • Written (and oral) communications between lawyers can heighten what is already a highly conflictual environment and, do nothing to assist with the administration of justice and the just, cheap and quick resolution of disputes. Our clients are in conflict; the lawyers are not and should not add to the clients’ conflict
  • Convey your client’s position without becoming part of the conflict
  • Disciplinary issues and consequences arising from breaching the rules

Presented by Elizabeth Picker, Barrister, Edmund Barton Chambers


Elizabeth Rusiti, Barrister, Queens Square Chambers

Practice Management and Business Skills
4.30pm to 5.30pm Cyber Resilience for Your Practice: Practical Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Attacks
  • The evidence: cyber attacks against law firms that become claims
  • Typical attacks and identifying vulnerabilities
  • Implementing your critical cyber incident response plan

Presented by Malcolm Heath, Practice Risk Manager, Lawcover

Professional Skills
5.30pm to 6.30pm Drafting the Parts of the Contract that “No-One Ever Reads”
  • Contractual Boilerplate: why do we use (and abuse) it?
  • The Role of Recitals
  • Dispute Resolution Clauses

Presented by Angus Macinnis, Director of Dispute Resolution, StevensVuaran Lawyers


Ms. Elizabeth Picker, Barrister, Edmund Barton Chambers
Among her qualifications, Elizabeth holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and a mediation diploma from Bond University. She is also an Accredited Mediator - Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP) and an Accredited Arbitrator. In previous roles, she has worked as a solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland (1994-1999), Solicitor of the High Court of Australia (1996-, 2007), Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW (2000-2007) and is now a Barrister of the Supreme Court of NSW 2007 (to date). Her area of practice at the Bar is principally in Dispute Resolution (in any areas suitable for mediation) and in the Family Law jurisdiction in both financial (property and maintenance) and parenting (child) matters. Elizabeth also has a steady practice in areas of equity including wills and probate & Family Provision matters.

Ms. Elizabeth Rusiti, Barrister, Queens Square Chambers
Elizabeth Rusiti was a solicitor for 20 years before coming to the Bar. During the first half of her career, she worked for a mid-tier Sydney firm in commercial litigation, specialising in admiralty, shipping and international trade disputes. Subsequently, Elizabeth gained considerable experience at boutique family law firms, developing a reputation as a senior practitioner in that field, representing clients in all aspects of family law disputes. Her focus in family law matters is on assisting clients to resolve their disputes, wherever possible. After a break from legal practice, Elizabeth came to the Bar in 2020. Since coming to the Bar, as well as gaining experience in Supreme and Federal Court disputes between customers and their banks and in proceedings challenging the validity of the Covid-19 Public Health Orders, Elizabeth has developed a busy family law practice in financial and parenting matters at interim and final hearings. Elizabeth is available to assist her instructing solicitors through all stages of a family law matter.

Mr. Malcolm Heath, Practice Risk Manager, Lawcover
Malcolm Heath commenced with Lawcover in August 2012. He conducts practice management risk reviews of law practices involving onsite visits and interviews with principals, employed solicitors and senior support staff. Malcolm promotes risk management strategies through the Lawcover Risk Management Education Program, on-site at law practices, at the CPD of The Law Society of NSW, ACT Law Society, Regional Law Societies, universities, Legalwise Seminars, and other events. He also provides pastoral care to solicitors in need. Prior to joining Lawcover, Malcolm was a director of his own company for 20 years providing consulting services to the general insurance industry and the legal profession.

Mr. Angus Macinnis, Director of Dispute Resolution, StevensVuaran Lawyers
Angus Macinnis has a broad commercial practice with a focus on dispute resolution, and in particular, on employment and work health and safety law, and intellectual property law. He advises employers and employees on all aspects of employment law, from drafting contracts and employment policies, to advising on employment related disputes, to dealing with employment and safety regulators. He has a particular interest in the employment law aspects of social media use and has published in this area in publications including the Law Society Journal, The New Lawyer, and the Internet Law Bulletin.


Ethics, Professional Skills & Practice Management for All Lawyers- Interactive Recording


Single Session
CPD Points 3
On Demand 20240726 20240328

On Demand
