Mental Health Issues for Lawyers: It’s Okay Not to be Okay…. Or is it?

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Attend and earn 1 CPD hour in Practice Management or Business Skills
This program is based on SA legislation

Practice Management or Business Skills
5.30pm to 6.30pm Mental Health Issues for Lawyers: It’s Okay Not to be Okay…. Or is it?

Anita offers a fresh perspective on addressing the rising concerns regarding mental health in the legal profession, drawing from her extensive 15 years of experience in both private and community legal sectors, as well as her contributions to the recent South Australian Law Reform review of the Mental Health Act. This promises to be an engaging talk about protecting your mental health from all those who would seek to destroy it.

This will include:

  • Common themes in practice which impact your mental health;
  • Identifying mental health concerns, in yourself and others;
  • Steps to prevent little problems becoming big obstacles;
  • Seeking help without impacting your career;
  • What to do if you or someone you know is not okay; and
  • Establishing protections to prevent mental health deterioration.

 Presented by Anita Brunacci, Special Counsel, DBH Lawyers


Anita Brunacci, Special Counsel, DBH Lawyers
Anita has over 10 years experience in all aspects of Family Law including children’s matters, property settlements, financial agreements and child support. Knowing that no two families are ever the same Anita believes in using alternative dispute mechanisms wherever possible to reach the best outcomes for her clients and works closely with the South Australian Law Reform Institute to support legislative change to benefit all South Australians including in the areas of Surrogacy, Family Violence and Support Structures. Anita is admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor in the High Court of Australia, the Supreme Court of South Australia and the Supreme Court of Tasmania.


Mental Health Issues for Lawyers: It’s Okay Not to be Okay…. Or is it?


Single Session
CPD Points 1
On Demand 20240726 20240319

On Demand
