Family Law Parenting and Children’s Matters

Explore recent FCFCOA changes with the Lighthouse & Evatt Lists, with SJR O’Neill & JR Jenkins. Learn how to initiate urgent parenting proceedings under Family Law Act reforms & your obligations under S121 of the Act and the ‘Harman Undertaking’. Explore relocation matters, evidence required, orders sought, the approach of the court and recent decisions. Lastly, learn how to support clients dealing with domestic violence, mental health, & substance abuse in family law cases.

Thursday, 13 June 2024

Attend and earn 4 CPD units including:
2.5 units in Substantive Law
1.5 units in Professional Skills


Evelyn Young, Principal, Lighthouse Family Lawyers; Accredited Specialist in Family Law; Leading Parenting & Children’s Matters Lawyer and Recommended Family & Divorce Lawyer, Doyle’s Guide 2024

10.30am to 10.40am Morning Break
11.25am to 12.10pm Relocation Refresher: Recent Cases on International, Intrastate and Interstate Movements


  • Assess evidence required to conduct a relocation case: what are the key considerations
  • Consider what orders you should be seeking at the outset
  • How to best position yourself in a relocation case
  • Recent decisions and court’s approach

Presented by Shannon Rogers, Partner, Barkus Doolan Winning; Prepared by Carly Middleton, Partner, Barkus Doolan Winning Family Lawyers

Professional Skills
9.00am to 9.45am Opening Address: The Lighthouse and Evatt Lists Update

Hear directly from Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia on the developments and updates on the running of the Lighthouse and Evatt Lists in your Family law parenting matters.

Presented by Senior Judicial Registrar Lisa O’Neill and Judicial Registrar Brigid Jenkins, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia

9.45am to 10.30am Commencing Urgent Parenting Proceedings Considering the Recent Family Law Act Reforms and Assessing the Risks


  • Assessing what are unacceptable risks: what are the key considerations
  • Considering what orders should you be seeking at the outset
  • Recent interim decisions and court’s approach in list of the reforms

Presented by Rachell Davey, Partner, Family & Relationship Law, Lander & Rogers; Accredited Specialist in Family Law; Leading Parenting & Children’s Maters Lawyer and Recommended Family & Divorce Lawyer, Doyle’s Guide 2024

10.40am to 11.25am Harman Implied Obligations and Undertakings: Section 121 of the Family Law Act

With the increasing complexity of family law litigation, the prevalence of issues concerning the operation of section 121, Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) and Harman implied undertakings are on the rise.

  • Delve into the relevant legal principles and provide an update on recent Full Court decisions in this area

Presented by Justine Clark, Principal, Tisher Liner FC Law; Accredited Specialist in Family Law; Recommended Parenting & Children’s Matters Lawyer, Doyle’s Guide 2022

Professional Skills
12.15pm to 1.15pm How to Work with and Assist Victims of Family Violence, Mental Health and Drug Issues: Practical Issues to Consider


  • Taking instructions, safety planning and risk assessment
  • Reporting to police and how they can assist
  • Other steps to take to protect the victim
  • Getting the evidence
  • How to mediate with victims of family violence, drugs and mental health
  • Other things to consider including legal remedies and family law proceedings

Evelyn Young
, Principal, Lighthouse Family Lawyers; Accredited Specialist in Family Law; Leading Parenting & Children’s Matters Lawyer and Recommended Family & Divorce Lawyer, Doyle’s Guide 2024

Dr Christopher John Lennings OAM, LSC Psychology
Kellie McDonald, Senior Solicitor, Women’s Legal Service NSW

12.10pm to 12.15pm Quick Break


Kellie McDonald, Senior Solicitor, Women’s Legal Service NSW
Kellie McDonald is a Senior Solicitor at Women’s Legal Service NSW. She primarily assists vulnerable women who have experienced domestic and sexual violence, providing advice, advocacy, and representation in the areas of family law, AVOs, care and protection and victims support. She has worked as a solicitor in the community legal centre sector for the past 14 years advising disadvantaged community members, developing and delivering community legal education and advocating for a just and fair legal system.

Justine Clark, Principal, Tisher Liner FC Law
Justine Clark is an experienced lawyer who has an extensive and precise understanding of family law. She is a Principal of Tisher Liner FC Law and an Accredited Family Law Specialist. Justine’s particular areas of expertise include Complex property / high net worth matters; Property matters involving companies, trusts, SMSFs, businesses, taxation, disclosure and valuation issues; International property matters; International relocation (parenting) matters; Binding Financial Agreements and Child Support Agreements. Justine was an Associate to Justice Hugh Fraser QC of Queensland's Court of Appeal, and then Legal Associate to the Honourable Peter Young QC of the Family Court of Australia. Justine is a member of the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia, the Law Institute of Victoria (and the former co-chair of the LIV Family Law Accreditation Committee), the LGBT Family Law Institute and a member of Pride in Law, Victoria.

Rachell Davey, Partner, Lander & Rogers
Rachell has practised in family and relationship law since 2000. She has been involved in all aspects of family law with particular expertise in complex property and financial matters. Rachell holds a Master' of International Law (2005) from the University of Melbourne and practises in international family law matters involving expatriate Australians, or for clients across multiple family law jurisdictions. She is highly adept at resolving complex property matters involving corporate entities, businesses, addressing the taxation implications of settlement and third parties. Rachell has extensive experience drafting financial agreements (both pre and post nuptial) and advising clients of the appropriateness of a financial agreement in their circumstances. She also assists clients with complex parenting arrangements involving interstate and overseas relocation. Rachell is an Accredited Specialist in Family Law (2005) and previous member of the Accredited Specialist Committee. She is listed in Doyle's Guide as a Rising Star in Family Law (2016) and a leading practitioner of Parenting and Children's Matters (2018 to 2022). She has been recognised in Best Lawyers (Australia) for her expertise in Family Law. Rachell is also a regular presenter and author covering family law topics.

Mr. Shannon Rogers, Partner, Barkus Doolan Winning Family Lawyers
Shannon has practiced in family law for more than 13 years with a focus on financial and parenting cases that involve complex facts and issues. Shannon is an Accredited Family Law Specialist and is an experienced litigation lawyer with exceptional skills – representing clients at both trial and Appellate level. Shannon developed a passion for this area of law because of his innate understanding of relationships and his ongoing awareness of the difficult emotions that often confront both sides of a dispute. Shannon helps our clients with a strategic and common sense approach that keeps clients at ease and resolves matters as efficiently as possible. Shannon is particularly skilled in dealing with matters that are high in conflict and involve allegations of Family Violence and complex parenting disputes. Shannon also has experience in matters involving Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders in the Local Court of NSW.

Evelyn Young, Principal, Lighthouse Family Lawyers
Evelyn has practised exclusively in family law since 2011. She has extensive experience in all aspects of family law including property disputes, children’s matters, de facto matters, financial agreements, spousal maintenance, surrogacy and child support. Delivering the best possible outcomes to clients in a practical and cost effective manner is Evelyn’s overriding objective. She is also a trained Collaborative Lawyer, and enjoys assisting clients with the Collaborative Practice process. Evelyn is an Accredited Family Law specialist and is recognised in the 2019-2020 editions of Doyle’s Guide as a Recommended Parenting and Children’s Matter Lawyer. She has written and delivered papers on many areas of family law, and is a regular presenter. She was the joint winner of the 2015 LIV Rogers Legal Writing Award for the best contribution to the Law Institute Journal. Evelyn is a member of the Family Law Advisory Committee to the Accreditation Board of the Law Institute of Victoria for Family Law.

Dr Christopher John Lennings OAM, LSC Psychology
Christopher J. Lennings is a clinical and forensic psychologist and has worked as a clinician, academic and researcher in psychology for the past 44 years. He has published over 100 refereed articles and has presented as many conference papers and conducted more than 50 workshops, mostly on forensic issues. He is an experienced expert at all levels of the State and Commonwealth Court and Tribunal system and continues to work as a reviewer for AHPRA and occasional member of the NCAT. He has conducted almost 4000 forensic evaluations and prepared report for all levels of the criminal and civil justice system. He is a member and Fellow of a number of professional organisations. He was awarded the NSW Forensic College award for Research Excellence in 2008 and for psychological practice and professional work in 2017. In 2013 he was awarded an OAM for his services to psychology.


Family Law Parenting and Children’s Matters


Morning Session
Thursday, 13 June 2024
9.00am to 1.15pm Australia/Sydney
CPD Points 4
Online 20240726 20240613


On Demand 20240726 20240613

On Demand
