Mastering Subdivisions

Are your property developer clients experiencing ‘growing pains’? With local council authorities and buildings codes posing a real threat to subdivision undertakings, don’t miss your chance to navigate these roadblocks with ease. When it’s a tricky and highly regulated process, arm yourself with the knowledge to obtain approvals as quickly as possible and breakdown the key pitfalls your developer clients must avoid. Ensure your next subdivision undertaking stays on track. 

Wednesday, 5 June 2024
2.45pm to 3.30pm New Builds, Off-the-Plan Purchases and Subdivisions


  • Recent policy changes: what do the new planning changes mean for developers? What further changes/improvements are in the pipeline? Will we ever achieve our Housing Accord target?
  • Pros and cons of buying OTP: value versus risk with some real time examples and developer insights
  • Major pitfalls and opportunities for developers and forecasting for now and beyond across all asset classes

Presented by Mike Ellis, Partner, Vincent Young and Yanlie Leung, Senior Associate, Vincent Young Lawyers

3.45pm to 4.30pm Handling Boundary Adjustments

Obtaining an approval to develop land in New South Wales is a cumbersome and highly regulated process. Ensure that you assist your client in obtaining approval as quickly as possible as you examine:

  • What constitutes a boundary adjustment and how this varies across zoning
  • When development consent is, and is not, required for a boundary adjustment
  • Recent case law and guidance for your developer clients

Presented by Matthew Cole, Partner, Swaab

4.30pm to 5.15pm Navigating Common Subdivision Mistakes when Dealing with Complex Subdivisions


  • A guide to Strata Plan of Subdivisions: tips and traps
  • Dealing with dual entitlement issues that arise in complex subdivisions
  • A guide to Community Title subdivisions and conversions
  • Dealing with council covenants and requirements when preparing the s88B Instrument
  • Addressing the most common requisitions on the s88B Instrument

Presented by Elly Ashley, Partner, Holding Redlich; Accredited Specialist in Property Law 


“Covered a lot in an in-depth and illustrative way”
“Well presented and informative”


Attend and earn 3 CPD units in Substantive Law
This program is based on NSW legislation


Ian Hemmings SC, Martin Place Chambers

2.00pm to 2.45pm Mixed-Use Developments: Key Subdivision Considerations (Rather Than ‘Multi-Unit’)

Using a case study framework, explore the considerations that a developer’s lawyer should focus on when acting for a client in relation to subdivision issues in the context of a mixed-use development, including:

  • The difference between stratum and strata subdivision
  • The difference between building management statements, strata management statements and by laws and when to use them
  • Accommodating the interests of different end users in drafting the title documents
  • Engaging with stakeholders and other specialists during the titling and title document drafting process

Presented by Alicia Albury, Partner, Maddocks; Recommended Leasing and Property & Real Estate Lawyer, Doyle’s Guide 2023, 2022 and Rebecca Wilkinson, Associate, Maddocks

3.30pm to 3.45pm Afternoon Break


Matthew Cole, Partner, Swaab
Matthew is an experienced planning lawyer who has advised leading ASX listed companies, small to medium developers, government agencies and politicians. Matthew has built his practice on providing solutions to complex planning and environmental matters. His breadth of experience across government and private practice provides him with a unique understanding of how government works and how to achieve the best results for his clients.

Alicia Albury, Partner, Maddocks
Alicia specialises in all aspects of commercial property transactions, including property-related restructuring, turnaround and insolvency matters and energy and resources land tenure issues. Alicia is highly experienced in acquisitions and disposals of real estate, regularly advising developers, owners, fund managers, investors and government authorities on industrial, commercial, retail and hotel acquisitions, disposals and development, large scale residential and ‘mixed use’ developments, industrial, commercial and ‘anchor tenant’ retail leasing, property management, joint venture and co-ownership arrangements and major infrastructure projects. Alicia has acted for a range of clients across the public and private sector.

Elly Ashley, Partner, Holding Redlich
Elly specialises in property development including advising in relation to strata and community schemes, preparing and developing appropriate governance title and subdivision structures and drafting master off-the-plan sales contracts and coordinating the sales process. Elly’s expertise includes acting for a number of major property developers to assist with residential and mixed-use development projects by advising in relation to the establishment of a strata scheme or community scheme, conversion and termination of strata schemes, compliance with the strata scheme and community scheme laws, drafting and negotiating section 88B instruments, by-laws and management statements for both strata and community schemes, site due diligence and acquisitions including acquisitions of crown land and rural land, Foreign Investment Review Board approval and regulations, finance due diligence and drafting off-the-plan contracts and co-ordinating the sales process.

Ian Hemmings SC, Martin Place Chambers
Ian Hemmings was admitted to the Bar in 1996 and appointed Senior Counsel in October 2013. Prior to coming to the Bar Ian was at Allen Allen & Hemsley for 4 years, and Tipstaff to Justice Noel Hemmings of the Land and Environment Court of NSW. Since coming to the Bar his practice has focused on matters relating to Valuation, Local Government and Planning and Environmental Law. His practice has him regularly appearing in the Land and Environment Court of NSW and in appeals from that Court to the NSW Courts of Appeal and the High Court of Australia. Ian was educated at The King's School and obtained his legal studies through the Solicitors and Barristers Admission Board, the University of Sydney Law Extension Course. Ian is President of the Environment and Planning Law Association (NSW) Inc and a member of the Land and Environment Court User's Group. His is also a member of the Bar Association Practice Development Committee. His interests outside the law include swimming, triathalons and gadgets.

Mike Ellis, Partner, Vincent Young
Mike has spent many years as a partner in leading law firms, and for some of that time as the National Property + Projects lead partner. Mike works with Australian and global private and public sector clients on real estate and infrastructure projects and transactions integral to their business. Mike has been and is advising on some of the most significant redevelopment and infrastructure projects in Australia including CBD developments, rail and port projects, alternative energy projects and head office leasing.

Yanlie Leung, Senior Associate, Vincent Young
Yanlie is a residential and commercial property lawyer who helps national and global clients with the acquisition, subdivision, financing, leasing and disposal of real estate. Yanlie has acted for private and public sector clients in state-significant rail and port projects, renewable energy projects, multi-level leasing transactions and medium to large-scale residential developments.

Rebecca Wilkinson, Associate, Maddocks
Rebecca is a commercial property lawyer with experience working across Australian jurisdictions. Rebecca assists both public and private sector clients with acquisitions, disposals, development and leasing of commercial, retail and industrial assets, and land titling matters.


Mastering Subdivisions


Afternoon Session
Wednesday, 5 June 2024
2.00pm to 5.15pm Australia/Sydney
CPD Points 3
Online 20240726 20240605


On Demand 20240726 20240605

On Demand
