
Why Sign Up With Legalwise Seminars?

Written by Ivan Moric | Oct 16, 2022 6:06:16 PM

As a solicitor or lawyer, continuing professional development (CPD) courses are a necessity if you are not only going to remain compliant but also excel in your field. However, sometimes gathering all of your required CPD points for the year can be arduous and complicated if you are attempting to earn your points from different service providers.

Finding the right opportunities for CPD points can be difficult and it can also end up becoming quite expensive. This is why Legalwise Seminars is the ideal way for solicitors to earn their required annual CPD points in the easiest way possible.

Let us look at some of the reasons why taking out an annual CPD subscription with us at Legalwise Seminars is worth your while.


If you sign up early, you will get a 30% discount right off the bat. That is one excellent reason to subscribe already.

A Single Source

You need to earn 10 CPD points law a year to remain compliant. You can earn all 10 at Legalwise Seminars, thereby making it much less complicated for you.

Sometimes, you can earn all 10 points at once in a day-long series of sessions or across several different programs. In other cases, you can choose to spread your points out over the year by attending only the seminars that you deem most valuable to you at your convenience.

Best Content

We have the best speakers and content in the legal field. Our knowledgeable presenters are chosen for their experience and expertise and are known to deliver informative and relevant presentations that truly add value to your career.

Time And Money

In the legal profession, you will save time and money by pursuing your CPD points through Legalwise Seminars because you won’t have to hunt down CPD point-awarding seminars elsewhere. It will all be made available to you in one easy-to-access place, saving you a lot of time and money because you will be getting it all from one service provider and not paying exorbitant fees elsewhere.


The flexibility of the program is also a major draw. You will have the choice to attend most of the seminars either live online or on demand. This allows you to pursue the topics you find most interesting and useful to you at a time that is most convenient for you.

Lots Of Content

Every year we add another 1 500 hours of brand-new CPD legal content that is fresh and up-to-date in every respect. These will not only earn your points but will ensure that you are up to date with the latest developments in your sector. You will also have access to hundreds of previous recordings as well.


Every course that you attend will see you issued with a certificate of attendance, which will be delivered to your inbox so that you can claim your CPD points. Since your yearly subscription is valid for 12 months, you have a whole year to plan and decide which seminars are most worthwhile for you.

As a solicitor or lawyer, CPD courses have never been easier to attend. Sign up for Legalwise Seminars today!